Cut It Out Of Your Life.

Get down and depressed sometimes. Yeah do do I.

It’s shit and can ruin the day or a whole week.

We don’t need this stuff in our live and some people thrive on giving bad news and spreading the negatives.


Have that family or friend who comes out with lines like these?:

    “God the government haven’t a clue, the country gone to hell”

     “Sure that’d impossible I’m too busy for that”

      “Isn’t it terrible people don’t have water or food to eat”

These people are stupid by wasting time on the negatives which bring them down and the people around them down on a daily basis.

The reality is these people speak of all the bad things that happen in life, but will NEVER DO ANYTHING TO HELP OR CHANGE THESE NEGATIVES.

Some people, usually the older generation thrive on talking about deaths or bad news. For us people who actually want to get shit done and have a positive life don’t need these people around us.


Keep it positive always because there is a ridiculous amount of negativity when there doesn’t have to be.