5 Simple Tips to Reduce and Help Anxiety.

Have Anxiety? Yeah so do I.

Hate it? Yeah so do I.

Isn’t it just fucking annoying when we have nothing to be worried about?

But we still are.

Everyone goes through their anxious phases, some more than others.

Here are five simple things you may lack doing that is contributing to your anxiety rising and things you can do to help bring it down to a normal level.

1. Water

We all know we need a good amount of water each day to keep our body and mind healthy. However lots of us neglect this simple human obligation which we all have access to. Even if some of us can’t force down 3 liters of water a day, a liter can greatly keep your body and mind focused reducing them anxious thoughts.


2. Sleep

I need my sleep not to feel anxious. Whatever the case is, I need my sleep, like a lot of the population. A good nap in the evenings can drastically improve your mood and bring down them anxious feelings. Sleep helps all areas of your life but especially getting them extra hours help us anxious people.


3. Getting Outside.

We forget what is outside the window sometimes. The great outdoors beats sitting in the dark on Instagram and Facebook all day. Being outdoors allows fresh air to come into the system, help you get Vitamin D and will also help you sleep better that night. Outside is free and will always be there to reduce anxiety and show that everything isn’t as bad and worrying as it may seem.

the great outdoors4. Having Fun.

For us anxious people we tend to get OCD about everything. “I can’t do that because it might effect X,Y,Z.” We forget to have fun. To reduce and help your anxiety, remember to have fun as much as you can, don’t take everything too serious. Go see friends, watch some Netflix, go see a comedian/concert, chill out and change the mood to a positive happy one. A lot of us forget to have fun and that is a root to a lot of problems and moods in society today.

fun is good

5. Take One Day at a Time.

We all like to look to the future, with anxious people it may happen too much. Stressing over if you might get a window seat on your flight to Spain in three months and getting your knickers in a twist won’t help the people around you and especially your mind and current mood. Remember we can only take one day at a time and that’s the reality regardless if the world will blow up tomorrow, you can’t really do much except be in the moment.

One day

Get on the Coffee bandwagon!

I’m Irish and we are known for our tea drinking habits.

Everyone in Ireland is offered a cup of tea when going to a friends or family house.

I always get it and take two sugars then have a biscuit or ten and stuff myself with sugar, it just isn’t healthy at all.

Then  I switched to coffee, no sugar, just a bit of milk. Perfect.


I used to hate the smell of it, but I experimented and got on the coffee train, drinking just near 2 cups a day, no more. 

I always thought coffee was bad but however they’re are loads of health benefits to your body and mind from coffee.

For your mind: 

  1. Coffee can help delay and prevent  Alzheimer’s.  Research shows that caffeine blocks inflammation in the brain. Do I need to say much more? Drink coffee and Don’t lose your memory, Win/Win situation.
  2. Coffee increases your energy levels. If your mind has that extra bit of energy to finish that essay for school or finish your work after a long day at work, your only going to have positive knock on effects and be able to get more shit done!


For your body: 

  1. It increases physical performance. Coffee is a great pre-workout to get your groove on before a gym session or going out cycling/running. Also it’s a change from trying to drowned yourself with liters of water before working out.
  2. Source of 1,000 of antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight cancers, arthritis, and protects our cells from damage. Now if that ain’t good for you I really dunno what else to say. A cancer fighting hot tasty drink, where could you go wrong.

For me coffee in the morning and when doing work is essential to have that extra edge to get shit done, cutting out tea has reduced dehydration and a serious amount of sugar out of my diet which can only be good!

My cup of the hot stuff also falls into my hand when I hit the books, like Bruce Lee’s Striking Thoughts, a bit of philosophy then everyone should have a look at!


Bruce lee

Try out coffee guys it’s pretty good for you!

How to Crush your day!

Hate mornings?

Yeah so do I.

Feel like you get fuck all done by the time six o clock comes around?

It’s a shit feeling I know all about it and have felt guilty constantly for not doing stuff I said I’d do the night before.

Find yourself getting motivated when you go to bed?

Then not being able to get up when the alarm rings in your ear the next morning?

It happens all of us. Alot.


One way I’ve found to get into daily rituals and getting shit done quicker and more efficient than expected is to prepare.

Not to get OCD about the whole day with time, food and meeting people. But being one step ahead so you feel you get more done than you thought you ever could in a day besides a week.

Go buy a small book and write down a small to do list for the following day.

A light, small, pocket size small notepad to have on your locker or under your bed (that’ where mine is) where before bed or in bed you can jot down shit you need to do for the next day.

Keep it away from others so it’s your own personal success pad over the day.

Now for most people they jot down a million things then get nothing done and feel like shit.

To begin just put down around six or seven things that you know you can get done.

to do list

For me things such as drinking coffee, to reading a chapter of a new book I may have bought, to checking and deleting e-mails.

The checking and deleting e-mails is one that everyone should include, cut out the stress out 3,879 unread e-mails out of your life.

It seems so simple but the feeling of crossing out things on your list gives you that sense of progress and achievement.

Making this a habit and simple routine of your day will put you in the 5% of the population who actually get shit done in a day and have time to do more stuff they love rather than complaining that they’re too busy!

Cause nobody is ever too busy.

Now I gotta go tick this blog post off my list.



The best place to buy sports supplements.

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Need a boost to get your head and body right before a workout?

Need free delivery over 50 euros if you live in Ireland and the UK?

Like weekly offers, reductions and 2 for 1s ?

Need to see and compare every supplement brand in one place?

HP Nutrition has you covered.

Hp nutritionEverything you need and want is here.

From my experiences the speed of their delivery is excellent and have a range of everything for people to explore and buy at reasonable and low prices.

Forget going to a shop to buy extremely high priced supplemets.

Go to HP Nutrition for easy, cheap and speedy delivery.

Need a blog post wrote on a certain topic?

Are you stuck without having content to post to social media?

Need it done efficiently and quickly?

Sleepy student

Does it need to provide short and effective points to be made?

Need a post on sport, fitness, lifestyle, motivation or mental health?

Fear no more!

Go over to ‘Fiverr’ and check out my ‘Gig’ as it’s called there and request off my page a post you need written quickly.

I will write this content for only $5 how long or short you need it on really any topic on a global scale.

Have a look at the rest of my WordPress blogs and see if my writing is what your looking for!



Need a new exercise?

Need a new weight lifting exercise?

Sick of doing chest press with four sets of 8 reps?

Doing a few bicep curls, being bored, wasting your workout and feeling shit?

It’s boring as fuck and isn’t healthy and productive if your still lifting the same weights for the last year and your making no progress.

I mixed my routine up and switched to a “Barbell Clean and Press”.

This is putting weight on the bar, lifting it up to your quads, getting your form right by thrusting your hips and flicking the bar to your shoulders. Then the final stage of lifting and pushing the barbell up above your head.


clean and press

Benefits of this exercies inlude:

  • Uses nearly every muscle in your body.
  • Glutes Quads Hamstrings Back Shoulders Arms Core
  • Once you’re comfortable doing it, though, you’ll have a powerful, athletic looking physique
  • Increases grip strength
  • Increases all round stability
  • Being cool and different as fuck to be able to throw 60kg easily over there head.

With this exercise you can then incorporate a military press which isjust resting the bar while standing and pushing it up thn returning to your chest. Also mixing this up by putting the bar behind your head will build upper body and lower body stability, espiceally shoulders and traps!

Most sites and people will try and drill reps and sets into you online to make them sound smarter than another. However for this exercise its all about trial and error to see what sets you can do along with the reps. The fact it’s an full body exercise means your gonna be different to others but in the end it’s only what you can do over time building stability and power.

Anxiety? Get this eBook!

Got anxiety ?

Know someone who has anxiety ?

Feeling nervous for no reason in certain situations?

Maybe you have a touch of anxiety?

Have a head full of spinning thoughts messing up your daily life?

Head over to Amazon to get my eBook to get a simple, clear cut and effective book to help you or someone you know with anxiety.

If you need this book get it but if you know someone with anxiety they need the book more importantly to  allow themselves to talk of their anxiety.

See my story along with others on how they battle and conquer anxiety.

Let’s Talk Anxiety, it really isn’t that bad!


The best podcasts I listen to.

Now with everyone having iPhones or some type of apple device in their house along with smart phones people are more drawn to the podcasting world. Only recently have I got into it and its something different to add to your day.


The benefits for me listening to them it there is categories for everyone and they knock away the element of staring at your phone screen twenty four hours a day. obviously they can be educational and for myself after listening to them I feel motivated and relatively stress free. Its weird, listening to someone for a half an hour or forty minutes can improve your mood.

I only listen to two podcasts just to not clog up my phone space and have information overload like on most media outlets I have on my addictive iPhone.

Numero Uno is the “Jay Ferruggia Show”.

Jason Ferruggia is one of the leading people in the world with his knowledge of fitness and his success in the fitness industry. He gives clear cut advice and cuts out the bullshit that people search endlessly on the internet for to put on muscle or lose fat. His podcast brings in different influential people asks them questions on how they improved their life and started up businesses and became succesful. His simplistic and bad ass approach to life has something to offer to anyone  who wants to better their life and cut out the useless bullshit. Probably the best thing about his work is he has started up a company “Renegade Roasting”, which if you buy a high quality bag of coffee it provides one individual in Africa with clean water for two years. That’s pretty good right ?

Jay Ferruggia

La Seconde – “Entrepreneur On Fire”.  

Entrepeneur on fire is what is says on the title. John Lee Dumas hosts a show where he interview successful people in all walks of life 7 days a week. He brings in multi millionaires to those who have just started off. As he has so many so many people on his show anyone can find something what interests you. The aim is to inspire the listener and they sure do. On their website they provide free services and advice such as “Free Webinar Course” and “Free Podcast Course”. A 15 module course cant be too bad to help anyone from scratch eh? In the show the “lighting round” allows quick fire questions from individuals who have failed time and time agin in business and life and bounced right back to come out on top. Check it out you’ll get inspired.


Let’s talk anxiety.

The topic of mental health is a growing one on an international scale. As it is different to see and identify in relation to physical illness this makes it harder to help and control. From depression to anxiety and everyone seems to experience it on some level.

This may be from a relation dying to an interview for a job that one has dreamed of for months and months. It is common however gets some people more down than others. This may affect them weekly to monthly or even daily.

An image I recently saw on Twitter just sums up perfectly how physical and mental illness intertwine and how they are so different to each other.


For me the struggle involves anxiety on pretty much seven days a week battle. Some days depression can link in to if maybe a big hangover has come into play to. For me anxiety has taken a few lumps out of my personality preventing things happening that are completely positive but after filtering through my mind they have NEGATIVE written all over them.

It has only come majorly into my life in the last year or so. I have my good days and bad days which seem worse than they actually are. The solution to anxiety to anyone experiencing anxiety is to talk. For myself I was constantly having an inner talk with myself of what’s going to happen before the event/social was near. Then I talked and talked listening to other people’s stories and the way the had their own problems.


This gave me a clearer view to realize I’m not on my own and it happens to everyone. With my struggle I took a huge blow by pulling out of an international trip away for a few months that had been on my mind daily. This I looked at as a failure and my mental health wasn’t right to go out an live away from home in my state. For me pulling out was the end of the world. However after talking I found it okay and came to terms it’s certainly not the end of the world. I’ll get through this and it’ll be okay I know it will.

Talk and expres what you feel to the person you feel most comfortable with, nobody will ever judge you, it’s okay not to feel okay.

Just talk.

Travels to London.

Recently I went to the epic vast city of London. For only a short time 3 days and two nights however I thought I’d write of the travels and the wonders that are based on the shoulder of London. Ryanair flew myself and my other half over and sure it’s Ryanair I’ll not comment.

Staying out in Stratford, east London we were in Olympic territory with endless shops in our radius to satisfy our travel and luxury needs. This is ideal for anyone looking to be located in a safe popular area outside the city. It’s relevance proved ideal due to it being extremely close to the London O2 another fantastic tourist attraction.

On doing the full tourist places it was relatively easy to do our own tour due to the “triangle” like location of Big Ben, Westminster, London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Leicester square and the theaters of London. For anyone heading there a look at Google Maps of these locations will provide easy visuals of the short walking distances people can venture on to see what London has to offer.

 As we were only there for three days practically we jumped on the oppurtunity to head to one of London’s theatre shows. We attended “Once” the play in Phoneix theatre. It was headlined by Ronan Keating, (the guy from boyzone) who was excellent along with the rest of his talented crew. The show was the highlight of the trip for me as I have seen the touristy attractions before.

So guys if your looking for a place to go for a bit of break and your located in the Europe area, go to London, nobody really says a  bad word about it. The food and attractions are amazing so just go don’t think about it just VISIT LONDON.